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Anterior - toward the front


Arboreal - living in or among the trees


Basking - holding the body in a position directly exposed to the sun



Bifurcated - divided into two, forked


Canthus Rostralis - (pl. Canthi Rostrales) slight ridge separating the top and side surfaces of the mouth in some amphibians and reptiles, normally extending from the front corner of the eye to the nostril.


Casque - the upward projecting cap or helmet at the back of a chameleon's head



Cranial - of or denoting the skull



Crest - a bony or scaly extrusion


Cloaca - the opening used for urinary, digestive, and reproductive discharges (Vent). It is located at the base of the tail


Conical - cone shaped


Dorsal - pertaining to the back



Flank - the fleshy side of a person or animal between the ribs and hip


Gular - connected to the chin


Hemipenal Bulge  - the swollen area of the tail base created by the presence of the male sexual organ (hemipenis)


Heterogeneous Squamation - scales of varied colors sizes or patterns


Homogeneous Squamation - scales of the same color or pattern


Interstitial Skin - the skin that fills between scales


Lateral - pertaining to the side of the body


Lenticular - double convex, shaped like a lentil


Longitudinal - lengthwise



Montane - pertaining to mountainous terrain or species dwelling in mountains 


Occipital - pertaining to the back of the head


Oviparous - egg laying, reproducing by laying eggs tha hatch OUTSIDE the females body


Ovoviviparous - reproducing by eggs which the female carries in her body until they hatch


Parietal - pertaining to the bones forming the roof and sides of the skull


Posterior - toward the rear


Prehensile - adapted for grasping or grabbing by wrapping around; the chameleons tail


Rostral - pertaining to the part of the head from the mouth tip to the nostrils


Scalation - the arrangement of scales on the body of reptiles


Sexual Dimorphism - the existence of noticeable physical differences in males and females


Spatulate - flat, like a spatula


Spinose - shaped like a thorn


Squamation - the arrangement of scales


Tarsal Spur - an outgrowth on the heel 


Thanatosis - posture suggestive of death "playing possum"


Thermoregulation - control of body temperature through behavioral or physiological means i.e. basking and color change 


Tubercles - warty protuberances


Ventral - pertaining to the lower portion of the body or its parts





This site can in no way be reproduced or copied without the expressed written permission of David Pickering. I have given credit where the author is known. If I have used any material without your permission or without the proper credit please inform me and it will be corrected.Copyright©2000 David Pickering.