Adult, Egg, and Hatchlings
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House Cricket (Achetus domesticus)  

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male crix3.jpg (153593 bytes) malecrix7.jpg (70645 bytes) malecrik2.jpg (58504 bytes) 
MALE CRICKET achetus domesticus notice the lack of third "tail" (ovipositor)


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FEMALE CRICKET achetus domesticus notice  the third "tail" or ovipositor for laying eggs. 


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Two laying boxes in rearing container. The carrots are for hydration. The tiny specs in the egg flats and on the cotton are cricket hatchlings.


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This is a single cricket egg (the white spot on the dirt). You may need a magnifying glass to see it.


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This cricket is only a couple of days old. It is still almost transparent. When they first hatch, they are nearly clear, and about the same size as the egg. 


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Several size hatchlings from 1-3 weeks old. They love the egg cartons.


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Baby crickets feeding on a mixture of oatmeal, bran, and wheat germ.



This site can in no way be reproduced or copied without the expressed written permission of David Pickering. I have given credit where the author is known. If I have used any material without your permission or without the proper credit please inform me and it will be corrected.Copyright©2000 David Pickering.